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Yuhui Huang, Professor

Date: 2020-04-15 Author: Source: State Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Protection Hits: 11

Yuhui Huang Ph.D., Professor

Address: The Cyrus Tang Hematology Center, 703-507.National Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Protection.Soochow University

Phone: 0512-65880877

E-mail: huangyh@suda.edu.cn

Academic History:

B.S., Nanjing University, Dept. of Biochemistry,

Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, Dept. of Cancer Biology,

Post-Doc.,Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital,  Dept. of Radiation Oncology,

Professor, Soochow University, The Cyrus Tang Hematology Center.

Research Interests:

Dr. Huang’s laboratory is dedicated to uncovering the mechanism of tumor-associated immunosuppression and to exploring innovative strategies to treat cancers through the integration of tumor immunotherapy, vascular modulation, radiotherapy, biomarker, nanotechnology and intravital imaging.

Academic Awards and Honors:

1、2015 Specially-Appointed Professor of Jiangsu Province

2、2015 The Innovative and Entrepreneurial Team of Jiangsu Province

3、2014 Distinguished Oral Presentation in Mayo Clinic Young Investigator Research Symposium

4、2013 Outstanding Citizenship Award of the Steele Laboratory

5、2011 Department of Defense (DoD) Postdoctoral Fellowship Award

6、2010 AACR-Aflac Scholar-in-Training Award

7、2007 AACR-Merck Scholar-in-Training Award

Main Publications:

1、Zheng X#, Fang Z#, Liu X, Zhou P, Deng S, Wang X, Zhang C, Yin R, Hu H, Chen X, Zhao Y, Lin S, Qin S, Wang X, Kim B, Zhou P, Jiang W, Wu Q, Huang Y*. Increased vessel perfusion predicts the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade. J. Clin. Invest. 128(5):2104-2115, 2018.

2、Huang Y*, Kim BYS*, Chan CK, Hahn SM, Weissman IL, Jiang W*. Improving immune-vascular crosstalk for cancer immunotherapy.Nat. Rev. Immunol. 18(3): 195-203, 2018. (Highly cited paper)

3、Deng S#, Zhang G#, Kuai J, Fan P, Wang X, Zhou P, Yang D, Zheng X, Liu X, Wu Q*, Huang Y*. Lentinan inhibits tumor angiogenesis via interferon γ and in a T cell independent manner. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 37(1): 260, 2018.

4、Zheng X, Zhang N, Qian L, Wang X, Fan P, Kuai J, Lin S, Liu C, Jiang W, Qin S, Chen H* and Huang Y*, CTLA4 blockade promotes vessel normalization in breast tumors via the accumulation of eosinophils, Int. J. Cancer, 146(6):1730-1740, 2020.

5、Peterson TE#, Kirkpatrick ND#, Huang Y#, Farrar CT, Marijt KA, Kloepper J, Datta M, Amoozgar Z, Seano G, Jung K, Kamoun WS, Vardam T, Snuderl M, Goveia J, Chatterjee S, Batista A, Muzikansky A, Leow CC, Xu L, Batchelor TT, Duda DG, Fukumura D*, Jain RK*. Dual inhibition of Ang-2 and VEGF receptors normalizes tumor vasculature and prolongs survival in glioblastoma by altering macrophages. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 113(16): 4470-5, 2016. (Highly cited paper)

6、Jiang W#, Huang Y#, An Y, Kim B*. Remodelling Tumor Vasculature to Enhance Delivery of Intermediate-Sized Nanoparticles. ACS Nano 9(9): 8689-96, 2015.

7、Huang Y, Goel S, Duda DG, Fukumura D, Jain RK*. Vascular normalization as an emerging strategy to enhance cancer immunotherapy. Cancer Res. 73: 2943-8, 2013. (Highly cited paper)

8、Huang Y, Yuan J, Righi E, Kamoun WS, Ancukiewicz M, Nezivar J, Santosuosso M, Martin JD, Martin MR, Vianello F, Leblanc P, Munn LL, Huang P, Duda DG, Fukumura D, Jain RK*, Poznansky MC. Vascular normalizing doses of antiangiogenic treatment reprogram the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment and enhance immunotherapy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 109: 17561-6, 2012. (Highly cited paper)

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