Daoben Hua, Professor
BS – NankaiUniversity, China
PhD - University of Science and Technology of China
Postdoc - Colorado School of Mines, USA
Email: dbhua_lab@suda.edu.cn
Professor Hua joined the faculty at College of Chemistry, ChemicalEngineering and Materials Science of Soochow University in March 2006, and thenmoved to School for Radiological and Interdisciplinary Sciences (RAD–X). He once worked as an engineer for R&D at Sinopec Co. from 1996-2001, and as a postdoctoral fellow in Colorado School of Mines from 2010 to 2011. The HUA group draws upon expertise from chemistry, biology, materials, and nanoscience todevelop new and improved materials for radioprotection, chemicalseparations, and environmental concerns of nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry. He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed journalpapers.
Selected Publications
15. Improved AIE-Active Probe with High Sensitivity for Accurate Uranyl Ion Monitoring in the Wild Using Portable Electrochemiluminescence System for Environmental Applications.
Ziyu Wang, Jianbin Pan, Qian Li, Yi Zhou, Sen Yang, Jing-Juan Xu*, and Daoben Hua*
Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202000220
14.Thermal-responsive Ion-imprinted magnetic microspheres for selective separation and controllable release of uranium from highly saline radioactive effluents.
Sen Yang, Meiyun Xu, Jia Yin, Tongxin Zhao, Chengqi Li, Daoben Hua
Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 246, 116917.
13. Positively charged conjugated microporous polymers with antibiofouling activity for ultrafast and highly selective uranium extraction from seawater,
Sen Yang, Yu Cao, Tao Wang, Suya Cai, Meiyun Xu, Weihong Lu, Daoben Hua*
Environmental Research, 2020, 183, 109214.
12.Fluorescent conjugated mesoporous polymers with N, N-diethylpropylamine for efficient capture and real-time detection of volatile iodine.
Meiyun Xu, Tao Wang, Lei Zhou, Daoben Hua*
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 1966-1974.
11. Prussian blue analogue functionalized magnetic microgels with ionized chitosan for the cleaning of cesium-contaminated clay.
Jun Qian, Lei Zhou, Xingfu Yang, Daoben Hua*, Ning Wu*
Journalof Hazardous Materials, 2020, 386, 121965.
10. Highly fluorescent conjugated microporous polymers for concurrent adsorption and detection of uranium.
Meiyun Xu, Tao Wang, Peng Gao, Li Zhao, Lei Zhou, Daoben Hua*
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 11214-11222.
9. Petroleum pitch-based porous aromatic frameworks with phosphonate ligand for efficient separation of uranium from radioactive effluents.
Tao Wang‡, Meiyun Xu‡, Xiaoli Han, Sen Yang, Daoben Hua*
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 368, 214-220.
8. Conjugated microporous polymers bearing phosphonate ligands as an efficient sorbent for potential uranium extraction from high- level liquid wastes.
Meiyun Xu, Xiaoli Han, Tao Wang, Shenhua Li, Daoben Hua*
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 13894-13900.
7. Phosphonate and carboxylic acid co-functionalized MoS2 sheets for efficient sorption of uranium and europium: Multiple groups for broad-spectrum adsorption.
Sen Yang‡, Mengxia Hua‡, Liang Shen, Xiaoli Han, Meiyun Xu, Liangju Kuang*, Daoben Hua*
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 354, 191-197.
6. A strategy for high radioprotective activity via the assembly of the PprI protein with a ROS-sensitive polymeric carrier.
Huijun Zhang, Suya Cai, Yushuo Zhang, Meiyun Xu, Liangju Kuang, Daoben Hua*
Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6, 3297-3304.
5. Guanidine and Amidoxime Cofunctionalized Polypropylene Nonwoven Fabric for Potential Uranium Seawater Extraction with Antifouling Property.
Huijun Zhang, Lixia Zhang, Xiaoli Han, Liangju Kuang, Daoben Hua*
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57, 1662–1670.
4. A thermo-sensitive polymer network crosslinked by Prussian blue nanocrystals for cesium adsorption from aqueous solution with large capacity.
Jun Qian, Suya Cai, Sen Yang, Daoben Hua*
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 22380-22388.
3. Ion-Imprinted Mesoporous Silica for Selective Removal of Uranium from Highly Acidic and Radioactive Effluent.
Sen Yang, Jun Qian, Liangju Kuang, Daoben Hua*
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2017, 9, 29337–29344.
2. Polyoxime-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for uranium adsorption with high selectivity over vanadium.
Meiyun Xu, Xiaoli Han, Daoben Hua*
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 12278-12284.
1. Acetylcysteine-functionalized microporous conjugated polymers for potential separation of uranium from radioactive effluents.
Xiaoli Han‡, Meiyun Xu‡, Sen Yang, Jun Qian, Daoben Hua*
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 5123-5128.