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吴庆宇 教授


吴庆宇  教授  博士生导师




通讯地址:苏州工业园区仁爱路199号苏州大学703号楼3629, 邮编215123


吴庆宇,博士,教授。1982年毕业于苏州医学院临床医学专业;1988年获法国巴黎第七大学人类生物学国家博士;1990-1994年在美国华盛顿大学Howard Hughes Medical Institute从事博士后研究。2006-2021年任美国克利夫兰医学中心、Case Western Reserve大学教授。2008年起任苏州大学特聘教授。

主要研究方向为血管生物学和蛋白水解酶,发现并克隆了心脏酶Corin,并阐明Corin 具有调控血压及心功能的作用,发现Corin在妊娠子宫血管重铸中起关键作用,Corin缺陷可导致妊娠高血压。最近他的团队还发现蛋白酶Hepsin在肝糖原代谢及脂质调控具有重要作用。已在SCI杂志发表160多篇论文,包括以通讯作者发表在Nature, Nature Medicine, PNAS, JCI, Circ Res, Cancer Res, Leukemia, Hypertension, JBC 等杂志。为60多本国际杂志审稿,应邀在国际会议作报告100多次,包括Gordon Conference 8次。其心脏酶Corin研究被美国NIH评为2012年顶级发现之一。









1.Sun S, Hu K, Wang L, Liu M, Zhang Y, Dong N, Wu Q: Spatial position is a key determinant of N-glycan functionality in the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich domain of human hepsin. FEBS J  2023;290:3966-82.

2.Zhang Y, Sun S, Du C, Hu K, Zhang C, Liu M, Wu Q, Dong N: Transmembrane serine protease TMPRSS2 implicated in SARS-CoV-2 infection is autoactivated intracellularly and requires N-glycosylation for regulation. J BiolChem 2022;298:102643.

3.Zhang W, Li S, Lou J, Li H, Liu M, Dong N, Wu Q. Atrial natriuretic peptide promotes uterine decidualization and a TRAIL-dependent mechanism in spiral artery remodeling. J Clin Invest.2021;131:e151053.

4.He M, Zhou T, Niu Y, Feng W, Gu X, Xu W, Zhang S, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Wang C, Dong L, Liu M, Dong N and Wu Q. The protease corin regulates electrolyte homeostasis in eccrine sweat glands. PLoS Biol.2021;19:e3001090.

5.Zhang C, Chen Y, Sun S, Zhang Y, Wang L, Luo Z, Liu M, Dong L, Dong N, Wu Q. A conserved LDL receptor motif regulates corin and CD320 membrane targeting in polarized renal epithelial cells. eLife.2020;9:e56059.

6.Wang C, Wang Z, He M, Zhou T, Niu Y, Sun S, Li H, Zhang C, Zhang S, Liu M, Xu Y, Dong N, Wu Q. Krüppel-like factor 17 upregulates uterine corin expression and promotes spiral artery remodeling in pregnancy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020;117:19425-34.

7.Li S, Peng J, Wang H, Zhang W, Brown JM, Zhou Y, Wu Q. Hepsin enhances livermetabolism and inhibits adipocyte browning in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020;117:12359-67.

8.Hu Y, Yan R, Zhang C, Zhou Z, Liu M, Wang C, Zhang H, Dong L, Zhou T, Wu Y, Dong N, Wu Q. High-mobility group box 1 from hypoxic trophoblasts promotes endothelial microparticle production and thrombophilia in preeclampsia. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2018;38:1381-91.

9.Wang H, Li S, Wang J, Chen S, Sun XL, Wu Q. N-glycosylation in the protease domain of trypsin-like serine proteases mediates calnexin-assisted protein folding. eLife. 2018;7:e35672.

10.Chen S, Cao P, Dong N, Peng J, Zhang C, Wang H, Zhou T, Yang J,  Zhang Y,  Martelli EE, Naga Prasad SV, Miller RE, Malfait AM, Zhou Y, Wu Q. PCSK6-mediated Corin activation is essential for normal blood pressure. Nature Medicine. 2015;21:1048-53.

11.Dong N, Zhou T, Zhang Y, Liu M, Li H, Huang X,Liu Z, Wu Y, Fukuda K, Qin J, Wu Q. Corin mutations K317E and S472G from preeclamptic patients alter zymogen activation and cell surface targeting. J Biol Chem. 2014;289:17909-16.

12.Gao L, Liu M, Dong N, Jiang Y, Lin C-Y, Huang M, Wu D, Wu Q. Matriptase is highly up-regulated in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and promotes cancer cell invasion.Leukemia. 2013;27:1191-4.

13.Cui Y, Wang W, Dong N, Lou J, Srinivasan DK, Cheng W, Huang X, Liu M, Fang C, PengJ, Chen S, Wu S, Liu Z, Dong L, Zhou Y, Wu Q. Role of corin in trophoblast invasionanduterinespiralarteryremodelinginpregnancy.Nature. 2012;484:246-50.
