报告题目:Metal organic frameworks for energy and environmental applications
2002 Ph.D. in Chemistry, School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad,Hyderabad, India.
1997 M.S. in Physical-Organic Chemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad,India.
Research Professional Experience
2016–present Chief Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
2010–2016 Staff Research Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
2008–2010 Senior Research Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
2006–2008 Research Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
2003–2006Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Missouri-Columbia,Columbia, MO, under supervision of Prof. Jerry L. Atwood
Research Focus Areas
My research is focused on the development of novel materials for energy applications,including catalysis, energy storage, carbon capture, and nuclear reprocessing. In the past10 years I conducted both fundamental and applied research on a large number of novelcrystalline organic and metal-organic frameworks (MOF) and membrane materials. Theresults of my research on synthesis, characterization and separation using porous organicand metal organic frameworks were published in more than 50 DOE technical reportsand ~130 manuscripts in international peer-reviewed journals, as well as 6 reviews and5 book chapters, The scientific impact of my research is evidenced by over 6800 citationsand H-index of 47 (Google Scholar) attracted by these publications.