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陈华兵 杰青


陈华兵  博士,二级教授,博士生导师













2001.07 华中科技大学,化学与化工学院,精细化工,本科


2004.07 华中科技大学,化学与化工学院,无机化学,硕士


2008.07 华中科技大学,生命科学与技术学院,生物制药工程博士



2010.12  德克萨斯大学西南医学中心(合作导师:高金明教授),博士后


2012.02  东京大学材料工程系(合作导师:美国工程院外籍院士、

纳米药物研究先驱Kazunori Kataoka教授),博士后


2012.03-至今    苏州大学药学院“纳米药物与分子影像”研究室,课题组长



2018.09-至今    放射医学与辐射防护国家重点实验室,学术带头人

2022.01-至今    苏州大学药学院,副院长


1. 肿瘤靶向递送系统及创新制剂:聚焦于抗肿瘤药物(如mRNA、免疫药物、化疗药物等)靶向递送及其创新制剂研发,主要通过构建靶向性、智能化的递送系统,增强药物输送效率、调控肿瘤微环境及免疫微环境、探索协同增效新机制等,为高致死、难治性肿瘤如胰腺癌等的高效治疗提供新策略。

2. 高性能纳米影像探针:通过靶向递送载体的智能化和功能化设计,实现造影剂对肿瘤的超灵敏、高空间分辨的精准探测,为肿瘤早期发现及手术精准导航提供新手段。

3. 新型纳米制剂及临床转化:构建具有临床应用前景的纳米药物载体(如单分子白蛋白纳米粒、胶束、脂质体等),开发高效、低毒的纳米药物新制剂,并与企业合作开展创新制剂产品的临床转化工作。



作为课题负责人,承担了科技部重点研发计划“纳米前沿”重点专项(2022年,课题负责人)、国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金(2021年)、优秀青年科学基金(2014)、面上项目、青年基金、以及江苏省“双创计划”人才(2014年)、姑苏创新创业领军人才计划创新领军人才(2022年)、“苏州市高等院校、科研院所紧缺高层次人才引进资助计划”等十余项国家及省市项目。2016入选教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者2021年入选斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家年度影响力榜单(World’s Top 2% Scientists)。作为学术带头人,参与了放射医学与辐射防护国家重点实验室、“双创计划”团队项目、江苏省“特种医学”优势学科、“江苏省重大神经精神疾病诊疗技术研究重点实验室”等国家及省级科研平台的建设。与企业合作,共同开发基于单分子白蛋白载体的创新纳米药物制剂。

迄今为止,发表SCI论文70余篇,其中作为通讯作者在Adv MaterACS NanoBiomaterialsJ Control Release等本领域高水平期刊上发表影响因子大于10的论文30余篇ESI高被引论文10余篇。参编十三五规划教材《药剂学》科学出版社,副主编)、以及《纳米药物》、《Bioinspired and Biomimetic Systems for Drug and Gene Delivery》、《Advances in Nanotheranostics II: Cancer Theranostic Nanomedicine》等中英文专著3本。获授权中国发明专利10余项、湖北省科技进步二等奖1项。担任《药学学报》、《Nanomaterials》、《Sci China Chem》、《Sci Bull》及《Asian J Pharm Sci》等期刊青年编委或客座编辑。被选为中国药学会纳米药物专业委员会委员、中国抗癌协会纳米肿瘤学专业委员会常务委员等。

在教学方面,承担了国家级一流本科课程《药剂学》(线上一流课程)的建设;负责专业基础课程《药剂学》、《Pharmaceutics》(全英文)和专业前沿课程《纳米技术与生物医药的变革》等本科教学。为研究生讲授《药学研究进展》、《Modern Pharmaceutics》(全英文)、《Modern Pharmaceutics and Drug Discovery》(全英文)等多门课程。


1.M Zhang, W Dai, T Yang, T Li, T Xu, Y Deng, H Yang, H Ke*, Y Zhao*, H Chen*. H-shaped miktobrush copolymer nanoassembly facilitates ultrafast nucleus delivery for multi-stimuli-cooperative tumour suppression. Nat Commun, 2023, In revision. (IF=17.694)

2.T Li, S Jiang, Y Zhang, J Luo, M Li, H Ke, Y Deng, T Yang*, Xi Sun*, H Chen*. Nanoparticles-mediated TRPV1 channel blockade amplifies cancer thermo-immunotherapy via heat shock factor 1 modulation. Nat Commun, 2023, In press. (IF=17.694)

3.T Li, Y Zhang, J Zhu, F Zhang, Y Li, M Liu, H Ke, T Yang, Y Tang, J Tao, L Miao*, Y Deng*, H Chen*. pH-activatable copper-biomineralized proenzyme for synergistic chemodynamic/ chemo-immunotherapy against aggressive cancers. Adv Mater, 2023, 35, 2210201. (IF=32.086)

4.T Li, S Tan, M Li, J Luo, Y Zhang, Z Jiang*, Y Deng, L Han, H Ke, J Shen, Y Tang, F Liu, H Chen*, T Yang*. Holographically activatable nanoprobe via glutathione/albumin-mediated exponential signal amplification for high-contrast tumor imaging. Adv Mater, 2023, 35, 2209603. (IF=32.086)

5.Y Zhai, M Liu, T Yang, J Luo, C Wei*, J Shen*, X Song, H Ke, P Sun, M Guo, Y Deng*, H Chen*. Self-activated arsenic manganite nanohybrids for visible and synergistic thermo/ immuno-arsenotherapy. J Control Release, 2022, 350, 761-776. (IF=11.467)

6.J Qin, T Yang, J Li, G Zhan, X Li, Z Wei, Z Chen, W Zheng, H Chen*, X Yang*, L Gan*, Bacterial outer membrane vesicle-templated biomimetic nanoparticles for synergistic photothermo-immunotherapy. Nano Today, 2022, 46,101591. (IF=18.962)

7.B. Liu, J Jiao, W Xu, M Zhang, P Cui, Z Guo, Y Deng*, H Chen*, W Sun*. Highly Efficient far-red/NIR-absorbing neutral Ir(III) complex micelles for potent photodynamic/photothermal therapy. Adv Mater, 2021, 33, 2100795. (IF=32.086)

8.Z Guo, H He, Y Zhang, J Rao, T Yang, T Li, L Wang, M Shi, M Wang, S Qiu, X Song, H Ke, and H Chen*. Heavy-atom-modulated supramolecular assembly increases antitumor potency against malignant breast tumors via tunable cooperativity. Adv Mater2021, 33, 2004225. (IF=32.086)

9.M He, T Yang, Y Wang, M Wang, X Chen, D Ding*, Y Zheng*, H Chen*. Immune checkpoint inhibitor-based strategies for synergistic cancer therapy. Adv Healthc Mater, 2021, 10, 2002104. (IF=11.092)

10.Z Wang, Y Wang, Y Wang, C Wei, Y Deng, H Chen, J Shen*, H Ke*. Biomineralized iron oxide-polydopamine hybrid nanodots for contrast-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal tumor ablation. J Mater Chem B2021, 9, 1781-1786. (IF=7.571)

11.H Iqbal, T Yang, T Li, M Zhang, H Ke, D Ding, Y Deng* H Chen*. Serum protein-based nanoparticles for cancer diagnosis and treatment. J Control Release2021, 329, 997-1022. (IF=11.467)

12.Y Zhang, M Shi, Z Yan, S Zhang, M Wang, H Xu, H Li, Y Ying, S Qiu, J Liu*, H Yang, H Chen, H He*, Z Guo*. Ultrastable near-infrared nonlinear organic chromophore nanoparticles with intramolecular charge transfer for dually photoinduced tumor ablation. Adv Healthc Mater2020, 9, 2001042. (IF=11.092)

13.Z Yan, M Wang, M Shi, Y He, Y Zhang, S Qiu, H Yang, H Chen, H He*, Z Guo*. Amphiphilic BODIPY dye aggregates in polymeric micelles for wavelength-dependent photo-induced cancer therapy. J Mater Chem B2020, 8, 6886-6897. (IF=7.571)

14.C Li#, J Wang*, Y Wang#, H Gao#, G Wei#, Y Huang#, H Yu#, Y Gan#, Y Wang#, L Mei#, H Chen#, H Hu#, Z Zhang#, Y Jin#. Recent progress in drug delivery. Acta Pharm Sin B2019, 9, 1145-1162. (IF=14.903)

15.Q Guo, Q Zhu, T Miao, J Tao, X Ju, Z Sun, H Li, G Xu, H Chen, L Han*. LRP1-upregulated nanoparticles for efficiently conquering the blood-brain barrier and targetedly suppressing multifocal and infiltrative brain metastases. J Control Release2019, 303, 117-129. (IF=11.467)

16.W Ke, J Li, F Mohammed, Y Wang, K Tou, X Liu, P Wen, H Kinoh, Y Anraku, H Chen, K Kataoka, Z Ge*. Therapeutic polymersome nanoreactors with tumor-specific activable cascade reactions for cooperative cancer therapy. ACS Nano2019, 13, 2357-2369. (IF=18.027)

17.H Zhao, J Xu, W Huang, G Zhan, Y Zhao*, H Chen*, X Yang*. Spatiotemporally light-activatable platinum nanocomplexes for selective and cooperative cancer therapy. ACS Nano2019, 13, 6647-6661. (IF=18.027)

18. H Chen#, Z Gu#, H An, C Chen, J Chen, R Cui, S Chen, W Chen, X Chen, X Chen, Z Chen, B Ding, Q Dong, Q Fan, T Fu, D Hou, Q Jiang, H Ke, X Jiang, G Liu, S Li, T Li, Z Liu, G Nie, M Ovais, D Pang, N Qiu, Y Shen, H Tian, C Wang, H Wang, Z Wang, H Xu, J Xu, X Yang, S Zhu, X Zheng, X Zhang, Y Zhao, W Tan*, X Zhang*, Y Zhao*. Precise nanomedicine for intelligent therapy of cancer. Sci China Chem2018, 61, 1503-1552. (IF=10.138)

19.X Lv, X Wang, T Li, C Wei, Y Tang, T, Yang, Q Wang, X Yang, H Chen, J Shen*, H Yang*, H Ke*. Rationally designed monodisperse Gd2O3/Bi2S3 hybrid nanodots for efficient cancer theranostics. Small2018, 14, 1802904. (IF=15.153)

20.S Ye, J Rao, S Qiu, J Zhao, H He*, Z Yan, T Yang, Y Deng, H Ke, H Yang, Y Zhao, Z Guo*, H Chen*. Rational design of conjugated photosensitizers with controllable photoconversion for dually cooperative phototherapy. Adv Mater2018, 30, 1801216. (IF=32.086)

21.Y Tang, T Yang, Q Wang, X Lv, X Song, H Ke, Z Guo, X Huang, J Hu, Z Li, P Yang*, X Yang*, H Chen*. Albumin-coordinated assembly of clearable platinum nanodots for photo-induced cancer theranostics. Biomaterials2018, 154, 248-260. (IF=15.304)

22.Y Wang, Y Deng, H Luo, A Zhu, H Ke, H Yang, H Chen*. Light-responsive nanoparticles for highly efficient cytoplasmic delivery of anticancer agents. ACS Nano2017, 11, 12134-12144. (IF=18.027)

23.T Yang, H Ke, Q Wang, Y Tang, Y Deng*, H Yang, X Yang, P Yang, D Ling, C Chen, Y Zhao, H Wu*, H Chen*. Bifunctional tellurium nanodots for photo-induced synergistic cancer therapy. ACS Nano2017, 11, 10012-10024. (IF=18.027)

24.H Luo, Q Wang, Y Deng, T Yang, H Ke, H Yang, H He, Z Guo, D Yu, H Wu, H Chen*. Mutually synergistic nanoparticles for effective thermo-molecularly targeted therapy. Adv Funct Mater2017, 27, 1702834. (IF=19.924)

25.J Li, K Wei, S Zuo, Y Xu, Z Zha, W Ke, H Chen*, Z Ge*. Light-triggered clustered vesicles with self-supplied oxygen and tissue penetrability for photodynamic therapy against hypoxic tumor. Adv Funct Mater2017, 27, 1702108. (IF=19.924)

26.R Wen, X Lv, T Yang, Y Li, Y Tang, X Bai, H Ke*, J Shen*, H Chen*. Albumin nanoreactor-templated synthesis of Gd2O3/CuS hybrid nanodots for cancer theranostics. Sci China Mater2017, 60, 554-562. (IF=8.640)

27.T Yang, L Liu, Y Deng, Z Guo, G Zhang, Z Ge*, H Ke*, H Chen*. Ultrastable near-infrared conjugated polymer nanoparticles for dually photoactive tumor inhibition. Adv Mater2017, 29, 1700487. (IF=32.086)

28.M Zhang, L Xing, H Ke, Y He, P Cui, Y Zhu, G Jiang, J Qiao, N Lu, H Chen*, H Jiang*. MnO2-based nanoplatform serves as drug vehicle and MRI contrast agent for cancer theranostics. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2017, 9, 11337-11344. (IF=10.383)

29.H He, S Ji, Y He, A Zhu, Y Zou, Y Deng, H Ke, H Yang, Y Zhao*, Z Guo*, H Chen*. Photoconversion-tunable fluorophore vesicles for wavelength-dependent photo-induced cancer therapy. Adv Mater2017, 29, 1606690. (IF=32.086)

30.T Yang, Y Tang, L Liu, X Lv, Q Wang, H Ke, Y Deng, H Yang, X Yang, G Liu, Y Zhao, H Chen*. Size-dependent Ag2S nanodots for second near-infrared fluorescence/photoacoustics imaging and simultaneous photothermal therapy. ACS Nano2017, 11, 1848-1857. (IF=18.027)

31.L Zhou, T Yang, J Wang, Q Wang, X Lv, H Ke, Z Guo, J Shen, Y Wang*, C Xing*, H Chen*. Size-tunable Gd2O3@albumin nanoparticles conjugating Chlorin e6 for magnetic resonance imaging-guided photo-induced therapy. Theranostics2017, 7, 764-774. (IF=11.600)

32.Y Deng, L Huang, H Yang*, H Ke, H He, Z Guo, T Yang, A Zhu, H. Wu*, H Chen*. Cyanine-anchored silica nanochannels for light-driven synergistic thermo-chemotherapy. Small2017, 13, 1602747. (IF=15.153)

33.J Li, X He, Y Zou, D Chen, L Yang, J Rao, H Chen, M Chan, L Li, Z Guo, L Zhang*, C Chen. Mitochondria-targeted platinum(II) complexes: dual inhibitory activities on tumor cell proliferation and migration/invasion via intracellular trafficking of beta-catenin. Metallomics2017, 9, 726-733. (IF=4.636)

34.S Song, H Shen*, T Yang, L Wang, H Fu, H Chen, Z Zhang*. Indocyanine green loaded magnetic carbon nanoparticles for near infrared fluorescence/magnetic resonance dual-modal imaging and photothermal therapy of tumor. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2017, 9, 9484-9495. (IF=10.383)

35.Z Guo, Y Zou, H He, J Rao, S Ji, X Cui, H Ke, Y Deng, H Yang, C Chen, Y Zhao, H Chen*. Bifunctional platinated nanoparticles for photo-induced tumor ablation. Adv Mater2016, 28, 10155-10164. (IF=32.086)

36.T Yang, Y Wang, H Ke, Q Wang, X Lv, H Wu, Y Tang, X Yang, C Chen, Y Zhao, H Chen*. Protein nanoreactor-assisted synthesis of semiconductor nanocrystals for efficient cancer theranostics. Adv Mater2016, 28, 5923-5930. (IF=32.086)

37.X An, A Zhu, H Luo, H Ke, H Chen*, Y Zhao*. Rational design of multi-stimuli-responsive nanoparticles for precise cancer therapy. ACS Nano2016, 10, 5947-5958. (IF=18.027)

38.Y Ma, J Huang, S Song, H Chen*, Z Zhang*. Cancer-targeted nanotheranostics: recent advances and perspectives. Small2016, 12, 4936-4954. (IF=15.153)

39.X Ai, C Ho, J Aw, A Attia, J Mu, Y Wang, X Wang, Y Wang, X Liu, H Chen, M Gao, X Chen, E Yeow, G Liu, M Olivo, B Xing*. In vivo covalent cross-linking of photo-converted rare-earth nanostructures for tumor localization and theranostics. Nat Commun2016, 7, 10432. (IF=17.694)

40.Y Li, Y Deng, X Tian, H Ke*, M Guo, A Zhu, T Yang, Z Guo, Z Ge, X Yang, H Chen*. Multi-pronged design of light-triggered nanoparticles to overcome cisplatin resistance for efficient ablation of resistant tumor. ACS Nano2015, 9, 9626-9637. (IF=18.027)

41.A Zhu, K Miao, Y Deng, H Ke, H He, T Yang, M Guo, Y Li, Z Guo, Y Wang, X Yang, Y Zhao*, H Chen*. Dually pH/reduction-responsive vesicles for ultrahigh-contrast fluorescence imaging and thermo-chemotherapy-synergized tumor ablation. ACS Nano2015, 9,7874-7885. (IF=18.027)

42.Y Wang, T Yang, H Ke, A Zhu, Y Wang, J Wang, J Shen, G Liu, C Chen, Y Zhao, H Chen*. Smart albumin-biomineralized nanocomposites for multimodal imaging and photothermal tumor ablation. Adv Mater2015, 27, 3874-3882. (IF=32.086)

43.J Huang, M Guo, H Ke, C Zong, B Ren*, G Liu, H Shen, Y Ma, X Wang, H Zhang, Z Deng, H Chen*, Z Zhang*. Rational design and synthesis of γFe2O3@Au magnetic gold nanoflowers for efficient cancer theranostics. Adv Mater2015, 27, 5049-5056. (IF=32.086)

44.M Guo, J Huang, Y Deng, H Shen, Y Ma, M Zhang, A Zhu, Y Li, H He, Y Wang, X Yang, Z Zhang*, H Chen*. pH-responsive cyanine-grafted graphene oxide for fluorescence resonance energy transfer-enhanced photothermal therapy. Adv Funct Mater2015, 25, 59-67. (IF=19.924)

45.J Li, Z Lyv, Y Li, H Liu, J Wang, W Zhan, H Chen*, H Chen*, X Li*. A theranostic prodrug delivery system based on Pt(IV) conjugated nano-graphene oxide with synergistic effect to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of Pt drug. Biomaterials2015, 51, 12-21. (IF=15.304)

46. H Chen#, L Xiao#, Y Anraku, P Mi, X Liu, H Cabral, A Inoue, T Nomoto, A Kishimura*, N Nishiyama*, K Kataoka*. Polyion complex vesicles for photo-induced intracellular delivery of amphiphilic photosensitizer. J Am Chem Soc2014, 136, 157-163. (IF=16.383)

47. M Guo, H Mao, Y Li, A Zhu, H He, H Yang, Y Wang, X Tian, C Ge, Q Peng, X Wang, X Yang, X Chen, G Liu*, H Chen*. Dual imaging-guided photothermal/photodynamic therapy using micelles. Biomaterials2014, 35, 4656-4666. (IF=15.304)

48.Z Wan, H Mao, M Guo, Y Li, A Zhu, H Yang, H He, J Shen, L Zhou, Z Jiang, C Ge, X Chen, X Yang, G Liu, H Chen*. Highly efficient hierarchical micelles integrating photothermal therapy and singlet oxygen-synergized chemotherapy for cancer eradication. Theranostics2014, 4, 399-411. (IF=11.600)

49.H Liu, Y Li, Z Lyu, Y Wan, X Li, H Chen, H Chen, X Li*. Enzyme-triggered supramolecular self-assembly of platinum prodrug with enhanced tumor-selective accumulation and reduced systemic toxicity. J Mater Chem B2014, 2, 8303-8309. (IF=7.571)

50.H Yang, H Mao, Z Wan, A Zhu, M Guo, Y Li, X Li, J Wan, X Yang, X Shuai, H Chen*. Micelles assembled with carbocyanine dyes for theranostic near-infrared fluorescent cancer imaging and photothermal therapy. Biomaterials2013, 34, 9124-9133. (IF=15.304)

51.G Huang#, H Chen#, Y Dong#, X Luo, H Yu, Z Moore, E Bey, D Boothman*, J Gao*. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: amplifying ROS stress to improve anticancer drug efficacy. Theranostics2013, 3,116-126. (IF=11.600)

52.H Zhu, J Hao, H Chen, S Jiang, M Liu, H Sun, H Xu, J Zhang, X Yang*. Nanovesicles system for rapid-onset sublingual delivery containing sodium tanshinone IIA sulfonate: In vitro and in vivo evaluation. J Pharm Sci-us2013, 102,2332-2340. (IF=3.784)

53.H Chen#, H Zhu#, J Hu, Y Zhao, Q Wang, J Wan, Y Yang, H Xu, X Yang*. Highly compressed assembly of deformable nanogels into nanoscale suprastructures and their application in nanomedicine. ACS Nano2011, 5, 2671-2680. (IF=18.027)

54.H Chen, C Khemtong, X Yang, X Chang, J Gao*. Nanonization strategies for poorly water-soluble drugs. Drug Discov Today2011, 16, 354-360. (IF=8.369)

55.D Mou, H Chen, J Wan, H Xu, X Yang*. Potent dried drug nanosuspensions for oral bioavailability enhancement of poorly soluble drugs with pH-dependent solubility. Int J Pharm2011, 413, 237-224. (IF=6.510)

56. W Xiong, W Wang, Y Wang, Y Zhao*, H Chen, H Xu, X Yang. Dual temperature/pH-sensitive drug delivery of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) nanogels conjugated with doxorubicin for potential application in tumor hyperthermia therapy. Colloids Surf B: Interfaces2011, 84, 447-453. (IF=5.999)

57.L Xiao, X Xiong, X Sun, Y Zhu, H Yang, H Chen, L Gan*, H Xu, X Yang*. Role of cellular uptake in the reversal of multidrug resistance by PEG-b-PLA polymeric micelles. Biomaterials2011, 32, 447-453. (IF=15.304)

58. H Chen, L Xiao, D Du, D Mou, H Xu, X Yang*. A facile construction strategy of highly stable nanoparticles for drug delivery using a hydrogel-thickened microemulsion system as a template. Nanotechnology2010, 21, 5148-5157. (IF=3.953)

59.C Mao, J Wan, H Chen, H Xu, X Yang*. The composition of oil phase modulates venous irritation of lipid emulsion-loaded diallyl trisulfide. Drug Dev Ind Pharm2010, 36, 698-704. (IF=3.727)

60.E Blanco, E A Bey, C Khemtong, S-G Yang, J Setti-Guthi, H Chen, C W Kessinger, K A Carnevale, W G Bornmann*, D A Boothman, J Gao*. β-Lapachone micellar nanotherapeutics for non-small cell lung cancer therapy. Cancer Res2010, 70, 3896-3904. (IF=13.312)

61.H Chen, H Zhu, J Zheng, D Mou, J Wan, J Zhang, T Shi, Y Zhao, H Xu, X Yang*. The iontophoresis-driven penetration of lecithin-based nanovesicles through microneedle-induced skin microchannels for transdermal delivery of insulin. J Control Release2009, 139, 63-72. (IF=11.467)

62.C Mao, J Wan, H Chen, H Xu, X Yang*. Emulsifiers’ composition modulates venous irritation of the nanoemulsions as a lipophilic and venous irritant drug delivery system. AAPS PharmSciTech2009, 10, 1058. (IF=4.026)

63.H Chen, J Wan, Y Wan, D Mou, H Liu, H Xu, X Yang*. A facile nanoaggregation strategy for oral delivery of hydrophobic drug by utilizing acid-base neutralization reaction. Nanotechnology2008, 19, 375104. (IF=3.953)

64.L Xu, H Chen, H Xu, X Yang*. Anti-tumour and immuno-modulation effects of triptolide-loaded polymeric micelles. Eur J Pharm Biopharm2008, 70, 741-748. (IF=5.589)

65.D Mou, H Chen*, D Du, C Mao, J Wan, H Xu, X Yang*. Hydrogel-thickened nanoemulsion system for topical delivery of lipophilic drugs. Int J Pharm2008, 353, 270-276. (IF=4.026)

66.H Chen, D Mou, D Du, X Chang, D Zhu, J Liu, H Xu, X Yang*. Hydrogel-thickened microemulsion for topical administration of drug molecule at an extremely low concentration. Int J Pharm2007, 341, 78-84. (IF=4.026)

67.J Liu, W Hu, H Chen, Q Ni, H Xu, X Yang*. Isotretinoin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles with skin targeting for topical delivery. Int J Pharm2007, 328, 191-195. (IF=4.026)

68.H Chen, X Chang, D Du, W Liu, J Liu, T Weng, Y Yang, H Xu, X Yang*. Podophyllotoxin-loaded Solid lipid nanoparticles for epidermal targeting. J Control Release2006, 110, 296-306. (IF=11.467)

69.H Chen, X Chang, D Du, J Li, H Xu, X Yang*. Microemulsion-based hydrogel formulation of ibuprofen for topical delivery. Int J Pharm2006, 315, 52-58. (IF=4.026)

70.X Chang, H Chen, X Zhao, Z Gao, H Xu, X Yang*. High-performance liquid chromatography determination of triptolide in vitro permeation studies. Anal Chim Acta2005, 534, 215-221. (IF=6.911)

71.H Chen, X Chang, T Weng, X Zhao, Z Gao, Y Yang, H Xu, X Yang*. A study of microemulsion systems for transdermal delivery of triptolide. J Control Release2004, 98, 427-436. (IF=11.467)

72.Z Mei, H Chen, T Weng, Y Yang, H Xu, X Yang*. Solid lipid nanoparticle and microemulsion for topical delivery of triptolide. Eur J Pharm Biopharm2003, 56, 189-196. (IF=5.589)


1. 陈华兵等,《药剂学》(科学出版社,副主编),2017

2. H Ke,H Chen. Chapter 10 - Multimodal Micelles for Theranostic Nanomedicine. Advances in Nanotheranostics II: CancerTheranostic Nanomedicine. Springer-Verlag, Singapore, 2016.

3. H Chen, Z Ge, K Kataoka. Chapter 4 - Polymeric Micelles for Cancer-Targeted Drug Delivery. Bioinspired and Biomimetic Systems for Drugand Gene Delivery. Chemical Industry Press and Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Germany, 2015.








7.杨红、刘迪、陈华兵、邓安平、吕小燕、王雪、李明、姚枫枫、付佩、徐新早、徐涛, 靶向光热治疗联合免疫治疗抗肿瘤复合制剂及其制备方法与应用,ZL201610690276.6
























14.主持湖北省科技攻关项目“鬼臼毒素微乳凝胶剂的研制”(2005AA301B10), 2005-2007



1. 2022年姑苏创新创业领军人才计划(创新领军人才)

2. 2021年国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金

3. 2016年教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者

4. 2016年中国药物制剂大会青年药剂学奖

5. 2014年国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金

6. 2014年江苏省“双创计划”人才

7. 2014年苏州市高等院校、科研院所紧缺高层次人才


