田野 主任医师、教授、博士生导师,
苏州大学附属第二医院放射治疗科(肿瘤学教研室)主任,苏州大学放射肿瘤治疗学研究所所长。1986年大学本科毕业于苏州医学院放射医学系;在中国医学科学院(北京协和医学院)研究生毕业,于1991年与1999年先后获得放射治疗学硕士与肿瘤学博士学位。1994年在英国伦敦Royal Free医院、2003年至2004年在香港大学医学院分别进修学习放射治疗学和临床肿瘤学。
(3)国际原子能机构(IAEA)项目,20931/R0,The role of circulating MicorRNAs in prediction of radiation pneumonitis after thoracic radiotherapy,2017/7--2021/6,4万欧元,在研。
(5)国家自然科学基金项目,81372411,电离辐射对神经突起生长发育的抑制作用及其发生机制中NFAT3/NFATc4 所起作用的研究,2014/01--2017/12,65万元,已结题。
(1)Ren B, Guo Q, Yang Y, Liu L, Wei S, Chen W, Tian Y. The efficacy of postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy versus no radiotherapy for extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder carcinoma. Radiat Oncol, 2020;15:15.
(2)Zhang Q, Zhong X, Zhang J, Zhu H, Cai S, Zhang J, Cao Y, TianY. Integration of neurons derived from transplanted BDNF-overexpressing neural stem cells into circuit of the irradiated hippocampus. Radiat Res, 2019;192:345-51.
(3)田野,王绿化,主编. 放射治疗中正常组织损伤与防护. 北京:人民卫生出版社. 2019.
(4)ChenMQ, ShenMM, LinY, LiuPP, Liu XH, Li XQ, Li AC, Yang RQ, Ni W, ZhouX, Zhang LR, Xu BH, Lin JH, Chen JQ, Tian Y. Adjuvant chemotherapy does not benefit patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy. Radiat Oncol, 2018;13:150.
(5)Zhang Q, Li X, He R, Ma Q, Sun R, Ji S, Wang B,Tian Y. The effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on radiation-induced neuron architecture impairment is associated with the NFATc4/3 pathway. Brain Res, 2018;1681:21-7.
(6)Yang Y, Li W, Qian J, Zhang J, Shen Y, Tian Y. Dosimetric predictors of acute hematologic toxicity due to intensity-modulated pelvic radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy for pelvic cancer patients. Transl Cancer Res, 2018;7:515-23.
(7) Xu M, Fan Q, Zhang J, Chen Y, Xu R, Chen L, Zhao P, Tian Y. NFAT3/c4mediated excitotoxicity in hippocampal apoptosis during radiation-induced brain injury. J Radiat Res, 2017;58:827-33.
(8)Yang L, Zheng L, Tian Y, Zhang Z, Dong W, Wang X, Zhang X, Cao C. C6 ceramide dramatically enhances docetaxel-induced growth inhibition and apoptosis in cultured breast cancer cells: A mechanism study. Exp Cell Res, 2015;322:46-59.
(9)Ji S, Tian Y, Lu Y, Sun R, Ji J, Zhang L, Duan S.Irradiation-induced hippocampal neurogenesis impairment is associated with epigenetic regulation of bdnf gene transcription. Brain Res, 2014;1577:77-88.
(10)Zhang L, Chen LS, Sun R, Ji SJ, Ding YY, Wu J, Tian Y. Effects of expression level of DNA repair related genes involved in the NHEJ pathway on radiation induced cognitive impairments. J Radiat Res, 2013;54:235-42.