实验室副主任: 华道本
通讯地址:苏州工业园区仁爱路199号, 邮编215123
华道本,苏州大学教授,博士生导师,放射医学与辐射防护国家重点实验室副主任。1996年6月在南开大学获理学学士学位;2005年12月在中国科技大学获理学博士学位。1996-2001年中国石化仪征化纤股份有限公司研究院从事产品研发;2010-2011年美国Colorado School of Mines作访问研究。2006年3月至今,苏州大学教授(2012.7)。教育部核工程类教指委委员,中国核学会核环保分会理事、环境放射化学专业委员会委员,中国生物物理学会辐射与环境专业委员会委员。2012年入选江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人。先后主持国家自然科学基金和科技部重点研发计划子课题等10余项,在国际学术期刊上已发表80多篇研究论文。
1.Yang, S.; Yin, J.; Li, Q.; Wang, C.; Hua, D.; Wu, N., Covalent organic frameworks functionalized electrodes for simultaneous removal of UO22+ and ReO4- with fast kinetics and high capacities by electro-adsorption. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022,429, e128315.
2.Xu, M.; Zhou, L.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, S.; Chen, F.; Zhou, R.; Hua, D., Two-Dimensional Imprinting Strategy to Create Specific Nanotrap for Selective Uranium Adsorption with Ultrahigh Capacity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c20543.
3.Xu, M.; Zhang, S.; Wang, T.; Yu, B.; Yang, Z.; Wang, X.; Zhou, R.; Hua, D., De Novo Design of a Pt Nanocatalyst on a Conjugated Microporous Polymer-Coated Honeycomb Carrier for Oxidation of Hydrogen Isotopes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c19844.
4.Wang, L.; Cao, Y.; Zhang, X.; Liu, C.; Yin, J.; Kuang, L.; He, W.; Hua, D., Reactive oxygen species-responsive nanodrug of natural crocin-i with prolonged circulation for effective radioprotection. Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces 2022,213, e112441.
5.Zhou, L.; Xu, M.; Yin, J.; Shui, R.; Yang, S.; Hua, D., Dual Ion-Imprinted Mesoporous Silica for Selective Adsorption of U(VI) and Cs(I) through Multiple Interactions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021,13 (5), 6322-6330.
6.Yin, J.; Yang, S.; He, W.; Zhao, T.; Li, C.; Hua, D., Biogene-derived aerogels for simultaneously selective adsorption of uranium(VI) and strontium(II) by co-imprinting method. Separation and Purification Technology 2021,271, e118849.
7.Wang, Z.; Xu, M.; Zhang, N.; Pan, J.-B.; Wu, X.; Liu, P.; Xu, J.-J.; Hua, D., An ultra-highly sensitive and selective self-enhanced AIECL sensor for public security early warning in a nuclear emergency via a co-reactive group poisoning mechanism. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2021,9 (21), 12584-12592.
8.Gan, Q.; Xu, M.; Li, Q.; Yang, S.; Yin, J.; Hua, D., Two-Dimensional Ion-Imprinted Silica for Selective Uranium Extraction from Low-Level Radioactive Effluents. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2021,9 (23), 7973-7981.
9.Zhang, Y.; Wang, L.; Xu, M.; Zhao, T.; Kuang, L.; Hua, D., Smart Oral Administration of Polydopamine-Coated Nanodrugs for Efficient Attenuation of Radiation-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2020,9 (13), e1901778.
10.Yang, T.; Sprinkle, B.; Guo, Y.; Qian, J.; Hua, D.; Donev, A.; Marr, D. W. M.; Wu, N., Reconfigurable microbots folded from simple colloidal chains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020,117 (31), 18186-18193.
11.Yang, S.; Xu, M.; Yin, J.; Zhao, T.; Li, C.; Hua, D., Thermal-responsive Ion-imprinted magnetic microspheres for selective separation and controllable release of uranium from highly saline radioactive effluents. Separation and Purification Technology 2020,246, e116917.
12.Xu, M.; Wang, T.; Zhou, L.; Hua, D., Fluorescent conjugated mesoporous polymers with N,N-diethylpropylamine for the efficient capture and real-time detection of volatile iodine. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020,8 (4), 1966-1974.
13.Wang, Z.; Pan, J.; Li, Q.; Zhou, Y.; Yang, S.; Xu, J.-J.; Hua, D., Improved AIE-Active Probe with High Sensitivity for Accurate Uranyl Ion Monitoring in the Wild Using Portable Electrochemiluminescence System for Environmental Applications. Advanced Functional Materials 2020,30 (30), e2000220.
14.Wang, L.; Wang, Z.; Cao, Y.; Lu, W.; Kuang, L.; Hua, D., Strategy for Highly Efficient Radioprotection by a Selenium-Containing Polymeric Drug with Low Toxicity and Long Circulation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020,12 (40), 44534-44540.
15.Qian, J.; Zhou, L.; Yang, X.; Hua, D.; Wu, N., Prussian blue analogue functionalized magnetic microgels with ionized chitosan for the cleaning of cesium-contaminated clay. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020,386, e121965.